Shah Rukh Khan doesn’t sleep. Or so it seems. He landed in Mumbai on Thursday from Dubai after a show, but shows no sign of strain or jetlag. Just before Dubai the mega-star was in Berlin for the film festival negotiating the attention of hundreds of screaming fans. What we don’t know is that Shah Rukh met and bonded in Berlin with American auteur director Martin Scorcese and his favourite actor Leonardo di Caprio. Says Shah Rukh, “Lenoardo, Martin and I spent some time together. Martin was gracious enough to remember that he had met me in Cannes way back in 2002 when I was there for Devdas. He wants to watch Devdas and I’ve promised to send it to him. I’ll do so right way.” After the glorious performance in My Name Is Khan as a physically-disabled underdog journeying across America on a whimsical mission, Shah Rukh Khan is all set to play the super-hero flying across the sky to save humanity. True to its mythological title Ra. 1 which starts shooting next month in Mumbai followed by Goa and London, will have Shah Rukh combating 10 villains. Raavan according to Hindu mythology, was a ten-headed demon whom Ram vanquished single-handedly. In Ra. 1 the modernday Raavan has been turned into ten different villains whom super-hero Shah Rukh, the modernday Ram will annihilate one after another. Shah Rukh Khan seemed remarkably relaxed in Berlin on the day after his film My Name Is Khan opened in Mumbai accompanied by violent protests by the Shiv Sena. Said Shah Rukh from Berlin, “I missed the opening in Mumbai. But I believe people have liked the film. I’m being told I’m in character. That’s good to hear. Give me a character to be in, and I’m right there. ” The SRK brand of humour was intact when told that My Name Is Khan doesn’t look like a Karan Johar film. At his deadliest deadpan best SRK retorted, “Yeah, even I felt like that when I first saw it. I told Karan, ‘Arrey yaar yeh tum ne kaisi picture banayee hai?’. Actually the three ladies in our lives Hiroo Aunty (Karan’s mother Hiroo Johar), Kajol and Gauri have made this film. ” Getting serious SRK said, “I thought it would take audiences a little time to come to terms with the film. But I am glad it was well-received. ” After playing the under-dog in two successive films Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi and My Name Is Khan (we aren’t counting his guest appearance in Dulha Mil Gaya) Shah Rukh will be flying across the sky in Ra. 1. The estimated budget of the film to be produced by Shah Rukh Khan’s Red Chillies, is Rs 100 crores. And no Kareena Kapoor won’t be joining him in midair. She plays Shah Rukh’s grounded wife and not a super-woman. Says a source close to Ra. 1, “Kareena was keen to attempt the hi-jinks with Shah Rukh, specially since Agent Vinod where she had a lot of stunts has again been postponed But in Ra. 1 all the conflict involves Shah Rukh and the ten villains. ” Shah Rukh along with the film’s director Anubhav Sinha and journalist-writer Mustaq Sheikh, has co-written Ra. 1 and will be credited as one of the writers. The film will be in Hindi. Says the source, “He was advised to make the film in English. But Shah Rukh decided to make it in Hindi. Why should he pitch his super-hero film to the Western audience when they already have their Superman and Spiderman? Shah Rukh has no aspirations of cracking Hollywood on their terms. ” The film requires the star to perform never-before heart-in-the-mouth stunts, which he’s gearing to do. |
Monday, February 22, 2010
Ra. 1: Kareena is SRK's wife not a super-woman
Sexy Gossips
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